Friday, June 10, 2011

Walking in God's Perfect Plan For Our Life

I recently had a dream that I was driving a 18 wheeler and took a turn to sharp, and started to drive off the side of the bridge into water. I nearly landed on the ramp on the opposite side of the bridge, but missed it by inches, hitting the guard rail, and falling into the ocean.

It made me think of our walk with God. We can try to live life by ourselves, leaving God out, but we will never make it, and will always experience failures, and many near accomplishments. It could be a promotion at work, an increase in finances, freedom from depression, and any prayers we have in life.

When we include ourselves in Gods will, and live for Him, He is just and honest to His word to us. Prayers, Blessings, Help, Encouragement, He provides for us more than anyone else could ever be able to, without Him, we are lost in darkness, feeling our way around in a blindfold, hoping to clear deep water, hurtful troubles, and to find love. When we get up at night to use the restroom, and leave the light off so we don’t disturb our partner who is sleeping, you may once in a while clearly make it through the darkness without stubbing a toe, tripping over something on the floor, running into a wall, stepping on the dog, ect, but something will almost always make you stumble. We aren’t promised an easy life free from struggles serving God, but God is there to catch you, help you dust yourself off, and pick you back up, if you do stumble.

God  longs to see us serve Him and serve Him wholeheartedly, and trust Him for everything. God is good, I will always serve Him, and I don’t expect a trial free life, since trials make us stronger, possibly to face something bigger down the road in life. God is perfect, our way of living and thinking will never come close to perfection, so to accept what God will holds for our future, is trusted with His perfection, and Love. Don’t keep living life nearly making it to safety, accept God, and live life knowing that with Him all things are possible.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Philippians 4:13
I can do all this through Christ who gives me strength.

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