Friday, June 3, 2011

Others Always Need Our Help-Are You Willing To Help?

If you are a child of God, your perspective of life shall be Godly.

If you are behind a lady in the grocery store check out line, and she starts putting things back because she has gone over her budget, but you notice that she is putting back things that are things that she needs. Would you put back something that you don't need, so that you can give the lady a couple of bucks for something that she needs?

If you see someone post they would really like a TV because they lost there's in a house fire, and you know that you have one in the garage that you just replaced with a big screen, would you supply this persons need of a TV? After all you do have two.

If you pass someone on the highway who has blown out their only spare tire, would you kindly pull over and give them yours? Sure, you may one day need it, but today its sitting in the trunk without any use for it, would you rise to the occasion to meet a strangers needs?

If you were shopping, and there is only one package of store brand meat left, and you grab it first, but then someone else asks if they can have it because they can't afford a name brand package, but you know that you can. Would you be willing to give them the less expensive package and pay another 3 dollars more for the other?

If you went downtown, and was going to a fancy restaurant, but you pass a homeless man, would you go to a more modern restaurant, so that you can pick them up a hamburger on the way out? You know in you heart, you didn't walk across this man for no reason.

If a co-worker asked if you could spare a few hours so they can make up the time they missed from being sick to pay their electric bill, and you can spare it, but really wanted the extra money to go and see the hockey game Friday night you have looked forward to seeing for months, would you sacrifice your fun for someone else's needs?

You have one day off during the holiday season at work, but when you go to clock out you see a flier posted for volunteers needed at meals on wheels to deliver Thanksgiving dinner to those less fortunate, would you look over it, go home and sleep in, or would you take the number, and sacrifice your time for someone else who needs it?

Every weekend you see your neighbor, who is an elderly man cutting his grass. Over the past few weeks you know that his health has declined, and notice the grass is growing very high. Would you take the ten minutes to mow their lawn when you move yours for free?

See, many things that occur in life, and gives us the chance to shine our light for God, it doesn't even require very much on our part. A couple bucks, something we don't need, time we can spare, love we can show, just simple things.

We must remember that the need that Jesus met for us, not paid by money, but paid with by blood, by life, His of Christ. Whats a few bucks compared to life? How inconsiderate it would be if we were not to do what God has instructed us to do, and be that light that shines for Him. Jesus gave us eternal life. He doesn't ignore us when we call on Him everyday, He doesn't look the other way either. He proclaimed not our will but His will be done. He didn't say, well I need to think about it. I need to process the needs in my own life, He didn't dwell on his needs, and be selfish. But He came fourth, He walked down that dirt road carrying the cross on his shoulder, bearing our needs, big and small, doing the will of God. He was struck 40 times on His back, and crucified on a cross, for us, but when something simple is asked of us, if it's uncomfortable for us, we avoid it all together. I pray that I can help people anyway that I can. That's who I am, but that's not who I've always been. I realized the sacrifices that were made for me, when Christ died on that cross. I know that He gave His life so that I may live. I know that I have to give my all, all my heart, in doing what's best, what helps people, and to help each other, that's important. We have each God and each other to lean on, that's a blessing indeed!

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