Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Slow To Anger, And Quick To Pray

 “Do you have the time Sir,” Lila asked? “No,” the stranger said in the elevator as he slipped his hand into his pocket, hiding the watch on his wrist. “Why don’t you buy a watch,” he yelled. She had seen his watch, but just turned her head when he commented and was dishonest, and instead of getting angry with him for yelling at her, she said a prayer for him. “Have a good day,” she said to him as they walked out of the elevator. An elderly woman also got off on the same floor. “Mam,” she said. “It is 6:48.” “Thank you,” Lila said. “I’m sorry the man in the elevator was rude to you. I seen his watch.” “I know,” Lila said. “But it’s okay.” “I would have confronted him if he said that to me.” “Yes,” Lila said, “most people would. I just said a prayer for him.” “Really,” she said. “Sure,” Lila said. “It was his watch, and he didn’t have to tell me what time it was. However, his actions led me to believe he was probably not having a very good day. So I prayed for him, and maybe tomorrow, if someone asks the time from him, he will be polite and tell them.” “Lady, you are way to nice.” Lila didn’t let her words affect her, and opened the door to her office. When she walked into her office she had noticed that everything in her office had been cleared out, and the name on her desk read someone else’s. Confused, she sat in her managers office, waiting for him to arrive to work. Her manager hadn’t told her about any changes, and she was quite concerned that she had done something wrong, and was going to be terminated. 

Just a few minutes later, Nathan her boss, arrived to his office. “Hi, Nathan,” she said. As soon as he seen her sitting in his office, he realized he had forgotten to talk to her Friday afternoon about the changes that would be made for today. “Oh no,” he said. “I forgot to tell you about your office.” “It’s okay, Nathan,” she said. “Am I in trouble?” He chuckled and said, “No, you’re not in trouble.” “Whew,” Lila said. “I have given you a promotion Lila, we have a new employee transferring from New Jersey who is replacing your position. You’re now in the assistant management office.” “That’s great,” she said. “Who is the employee transferring for NJ?” “Well, his name is Hank, he was waiting for me by the elevator door when I got off a few minutes ago. He is the son of the CEO, and just lost his wife and two sons in a car accident. So, they wanted him to transfer to our office, and see if the new surroundings help him deal with the loss. This way, while he is recovering from his tragic loss, he isn’t constantly reminded with memories. I would like for you to work with him today, and teach him how things work here.” “Okay,” Lila said, “I will go ahead in, and introduce myself, and get started.” 

When she walked into her old office, her eyes met with Hanks, stunned, she realized it was the same man who yelled at her on the elevator. “Hi Hank, she said!” His face grew red since he had also recognized her. “Are you ready for today,” she asked, befriending him, and forgetting about the incident in the elevator, which she had already forgiven him for. “Sure,” he said. Later that night, while Lila was eating dinner with her husband, she shared her story from earlier that day. “Why did you pray for him,” her husband asked? “I don’t know, Lila said, “I just felt it was the right thing to do at the moment.” “I know why you prayed for him,” he told her. God always sends someone through our paths when we are hurting, to encourage us and lift our sorrow. Today, you were that someone.”

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

1 Timothy 2:8
 Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.

Matthew 5:44
But I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

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