Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Children Do More Than Watch Their Parents, They Listen Too

Macy, listened closely to her Sunday School teacher taking in every word. After church was over, her parents, and three younger brothers, went out to eat at a restaurant for lunch. Her mom’s phone rang while they were waiting on lunch to arrive at the table.  “Church was great,” her mom said on the phone. Before she hung up, Macy heard her say, “thanks for calling Mom, I love you!”

After lunch was over they went home, and Macy went to her best friend, Tracie’s house to play. Tracie’s mom was best friends with her mom. Once they arrived, Macy noticed her mom was fixing to leave, and on her way out, she gave Tracie’s mom a hug, and said, “see you soon, I love you!”  A few hours passed and Macy’s mom picked her up. “Take your shoes off, and get a shower, you have school tomorrow,” Macy’s mother instructed her, when they arrived back home. Macy’s was showered and ready for bed, she walked across the hall where her Mom and Dad was getting the boys dressed in their pajamas. After all three were snuggled in bed, Mom said, “Let’s pray, Lord, we ask that you see these little ones safely through the night, And wake them with the morning light. Amen.” Mom and Dad kissed the boys, and told each of them, I love you. Dad turned off the light, and they all walked to Macy’s room. This time, Macy’s Dad led the prayer. “God, we ask that you keep Macy safe through tonight and wake her with the morning light. Amen.” Macy’s mom and dad gave her a kiss goodnight, and said I love you.

The next morning, they all sat down to breakfast, and Dad led them in prayer again, “God is great, God is good, and God we thank you for this food. Amen.” After breakfast, Macy watched her mom kiss her daddy, and said to him, “have a good day at work, I love you.” “Grant, she yelled, calling for their beagle, come and get your doggie treat. After giving the puppy the treat she patted his head, and said, “I love you.” Shortly after dad left, the babysitter came to get the boys, and Macy watched her mother kiss them all, and tell them to have a good day, and she loved them. Macy’s bus pulled up outside. “Bye, Mom,” she said. Macy’s mom hugged her, and said, “have a good day, I love you!”

Later that evening, Macy’s mom was putting her to bed. “Where’s daddy,” she asked? “I’m sorry Macy, He had to work late.” She grabbed Macy’s hand and said, “let’s pray.” Macy closed her eyes as her mother recited the same prayer from the evening before. Her mom then kissed her forehead and said, “I love you.” “Mommy,” Macy said. “Can I ask you something,” she asked? “Of course, Macy.” “In Sunday school, my teacher taught on telling God you love Him everyday. I have been listening to you for a couple of days, and I haven’t heard you, or daddy tell God you love Him. Was she wrong teaching that?” Macy’s mothers heart was touched, and her eyes filled with tears as she sat on the edge of her bed and said, “no sweetie, she wasn’t wrong, she was very right.” “Well, why haven’t I heard you guys tell Him? I heard you tell Grandma you loved her, your best friend, me, my brothers, daddy, and even our dog.” “Macy, you are exactly right, and from here on out, we will always share with God, how much we love Him. Daddy and I tell God we love Him everyday, but you just don‘t hear us. It is usually during our prayer and devotion time at night when you are asleep." "I tell God I love Him everyday to Mommy." "That's good Macy, and I want you to always tell Him the love you feel in your heart for Him, everyday,” her mother instructed. “Okay, Mommy,” Macy said, closing her eyes.

Macy’s mother spoke with her husband when he came home later that night, and as thankful as her mom was to hear her daughter wanting to express her love for God, he was thankful too. The next morning at breakfast, Dad prayed, “God is great, God is good, God we thank you for this food, and God, we love you more than any words can express. Amen.” Macy smiled at her dad when she opened her eyes, and said, “Thank you, daddy.”
3 John 1:4
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Luke 10:21
At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.

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